Catholic Social Teaching Videos

CST 101 is a collaborative 7-part video and discussion guide series presented by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief Services on Catholic social teaching. The videos bring the themes of Catholic social teaching to life and inspire us to put our faith into action. Some suggested uses of the videos and discussion guides include adult faith formation settings, high school theology classes, in lay ministry formation and to prepare groups for service trips. The series also includes downloadable posters and handouts for adults and kids, in English and Spanish. The artwork featured in the posters, handouts and accompanying videos are courtesy of Br. Mickey McGrath, OSFS.

These videos are provided by CRS in both English and Spanish. Click the Button to follow to that page.

Social Justice Videos

Audience: Children

What Is Justice? | Conversations with Children About Being Fair | Circle Time with Khan Academy Kids

Today on Circle Time, we welcome Teacher Naomi and her son Noah to explain the topic of justice and fairness to children. Listen to Teacher Naomi’s story about fairness in her family, and how thinking of others can result in the best outcome for everyone. Read and play about fairness and taking turns with Caroline and Sophie.

Audience: Children

Catholic Social Teaching in 3 Minutes

All of Trócaire s work, in Ireland as well as overseas, is informed by Catholic Social Teaching (CST). Guided by Gospel principals, we use it to bring social justice issues alive in parishes, classrooms and community groups across the island of Ireland. Find out more at

Audience: Children

What Is Social Justice?

Is it just a garden or A Just Garden? For more social justice teaching material, go to:

Audience: Children


The Youngest Marcher The Story of Faye Hendricks, a Young Civil Rights Activist by Cynthia Levinson and illustrated by Vanessa Brantley Newton is a TRUE story of a young girl in elementary who marched in the The Children’s March which was planned by Reverend James Bevel, Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth and Dr. Martin Luther King May 2-7, 1963.

Audience: Teens / Adults

What Is Social Justice?

This presentation provides related definitions, historical background, and important connections to advocacy and community.

Audience: Teens / Adults

Social Justice in Education Documentary Trailer

This film touches on the lives and experiences of five dynamic educators whose passion for social justice was forged when they were in school. Their personal accounts bear witness to both the overt and subtle forms of injustice that create critical barriers to quality learning and inclusion.

Audience: Teens / Adults

Social Justice: Equality, Equity, or Something Else? Students Speak.

MC students discuss the barriers they face as they reach for their goals and how Montgomery College can help them succeed. Watch more videos about social justice at

Diversity Videos

Audience: Children

Diversity and Social Inclusion for Kids

It is never too early to talk about diversity and social inclusion with children. This video aims to help children understand the importance of diversity and look at ways of making people feel welcome. Video produced for the SICAP Programme by The Sanctuary with Psychology Project led by the University of Limerick Department of Psychology.

Audience: Children

What Is Diversity? | Celebrating People And Their Differences | Circle Time with Khan Academy Kids

Join us for a special episode of Circle Time with Caroline and Sophie from Khan Academy Kids. Today, we welcome Teacher Naomi and her son Noah who talk about diversity. Listen as they discuss what it means to be different, and how our physical differences make the world an interesting and beautiful place.

Audience: Children


Audience: Children

Our Diversity Makes Us Stronger by Elizabeth Cole | Teaching Kids about Diversity and Kindness

If you want to teach your child to accept himself and others as they are, then this picture book about diversity will be your best assistant.

Audience: Teens / Adults

Teens talk about diversity

USA TODAY asked teens at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. about diversity and how it affects their lives and generation

Audience: Children

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Open your Mind

Audience: Children

Embracing Diversity by Inclusion & Diversity SALTO

Do you know what diversity, identity, and equity stand for and why these concepts are important for organisations working with intercultural youth work? ️ This video gives you a quick introduction to diversity management in youth work. ️

Audience: Teens / Adults

Cultivating a culture of inclusion

Be willing to let go of your biases and learn. Colleagues share tips for cultivating an open, inclusive work culture for all.

Audience: Children

BOE Cultural Diversity Video 2018: A Student Perspective

Bulloch County Schools is on a journey to define what cultural diversity means in our school system. We asked adults, and then we asked our students – more than 100 of them across each of our 15 schools. Diversity can be challenging for adults. We learned our students have a different perspective.

Inclusion/Belonging Videos

Audience: Children

Diversity and Social Inclusion for Kids

It is never too early to talk about diversity and social inclusion with children. This video aims to help children understand the importance of diversity and look at ways of making people feel welcome.

Audience: Teens / Adults

The Number 1 Way To Teach Kids About Inclusion

Have you ever felt left out? Not included? It doesn t feel very nice does it? Well to be a loving person its so important to include EVERYBODY! If you see someone in the playground by themselves and they need a friend, give them some love and include them! We are all so different anyway!

Audience: Children

Inclusion of People with Disabilities

ACT Alliance supports people with disabilities around the world. It s good for everyone. We are sharing this excellent video for World Disability Day.

Audience: Children

Building a Belonging Classroom

In order to learn, students need to feel safe, cared for, and emotionally connected to their teachers and each other.

Audience: Teens / Adults

The Number 1 Way To Teach Kids About Inclusion

Have you ever felt left out? Not included? It doesn t feel very nice does it? Well to be a loving person its so important to include EVERYBODY! If you see someone in the playground by themselves and they need a friend, give them some love and include them! We are all so different anyway!

Audience: Children

You Really, Truly Do Belong! – An inspiring read aloud kids book about belonging!

Ever felt like you don t belong? You Really, Truly Do Belong! is an empowering picture book for kids, teaching self-acceptance and self-worth. It s the key to helping children feel they truly belong! Written by Gina Casazza Illustrated by Lia Ampleeva.

Audience: Teens / Adults

Disability Inclusion Matters for All

Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in early childhood education is not only important, but it is essential to creating a just and equitable society. By creating inclusive and equitable classrooms, we can help to ensure that all children have access to the same opportunities and resources, regardless of their background or identity.

Audience: Teens / Adults

Social Justice: What’s disability got to do with it? #DisabilityDemandsJustice

Interested in making changes in your organization to accelerate your work and be more disability inclusive? Then, this video is for you! Advocates from the disability community highlight why a disability lens is essential to all of our social justice work and what you can do to accelerate our collective impact and build a fully inclusive world.

Audience: Children

Inclusive Practices in Your Classroom

This video gives an overview of the practice of inclusive education, or including students with different educational needs into your classroom. It highlights the benefits of inclusion, legal implications , and several best practices of inclusion.

Audience: Teens / Adults

Building a Belonging Classroom

In order to learn, students need to feel safe, cared for, and emotionally connected to their teachers and each other.

Audience: Teens / Adults

Inclusion in the Workplace: A Discussion on belonging | WEF 2020 | Cognizant

What does belonging mean in the workplace and how are organizations worldwide fostering inclusion? Increased diversity means increased collaboration and creativity—helping the top and bottom lines. Cognizant and its panel of experts share experiences on how belonging will make for a more cohesive and sustainable world.