Upcoming Webinars & Meetings
Previous Webinars
SM Jean Sliwinski, Provincial Sustainability Coordinator, provided a webinar regarding the Corporate Stands of the Our Lady of Hope Province in February 2021.
Human Right to Water
The Felician Sisters of North America affirm that access to clean water is a fundamental human right and a necessity for all of God’s created world. We will educate ourselves on issues of water use and supply and add our voice to those who are acting against water injustice and advocating with corporations and governments to ensure future water availability.
Human Trafficking
The Felician Sisters of North America affirm the dignity of all persons and denounce the sin of human trafficking and the structural, economic, and social systems that support it. We will continually examine our complicity as consumers and support slave-free companies and products as much as possible, support policies and programs to help abolish and prevent trafficking, and use our ministerial resources to aid survivors where possible.