We are so blessed to announce the results from the election of the 25th General Chapter of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice!
Sister Danat Marie Brysch, Minister General
S Elaine Marie Frigo, Vicar General
S Connie Marie Tomyl, Second Councilor
SM Wirginia Nowak, Third Councilor
SM Berenika Komorowska, Fourth Councilor
SM Christella Skwarek, Fifth Councilor
As a reminder, the general chapter, convened and conducted under the guidance of the Holy Spirit every six years, represents the entire Congregation and is a sign of unity and love. It is the highest legislative authority in the Congregation. The Felician Sisters have provinces not only in North America but also Kenya, Poland, and Brazil. Sisters from all provinces participate in the General Chapter.
The prime responsibilities of the general chapter are to promote renewal in accordance with the spirit of our Foundress and to elect the minister general and her councilors.
It is also the function of the general chapter:
- to promote means of revitalizing the spiritual and apostolic strength of the Congregation
- to evaluate the ministries of the Congregation and to plan to meet the changing needs of the Church and the world
- to act on issues and proposals submitted by provincial chapters and individual sisters
- to determine the level of implementation of the Acts of the General Chapter
- to decide to transfer the generalate, to erect, suppress or modify provinces, and to change the status of regions to provinces
- to review and ratify financial accounts of the entire Congregation and to set policies concerning the use of its monetary resources